Brittany turned 21 Thursday! She has waited all this time to be legal drinking age and she can't even booze it up since she is preggo...
But seriously, we went to St. Louie this weekend to celebrate. We had a really good time. Friday we stopped at Troy where Tara and Shaun were staying to be voted on on Sunday for the youth pastor position at the FBC there. We took the twins swimming while they went and ate with people from the church. It was a blast, and no one drowned! After we got to our hotel, we went to a $4.00 theater and watched Iron Man... I loved it and Brittany thought it was pretty good too. Also, I've been thinking and I'm pretty sure I could fly the Iron Man suit. Saturday we got up, ate breakfast, then slept another 2.5 hours. Then we went to David's Bridal so Brit could get fitted for her Bridesmaid dress for Ashley Andersons wedding (fun!). Then we went to the Botanical Gardens, I thought it was fitting since Botanical is Brittany's other name according to my dad. After that we went to Cheesecake Factory and I ate all of my food and half of Brittany's... Then we walked the mall and that was that day. Sunday is today and we are going to FBC in Troy and then home.
I know everyone was just dying to know the whole synopsis of our weekend so I'm glad I could oblige.
These Pictures are from the Brittany Gardens, notice she has a new haircut.. I think it's so cute!: