I was asleep. I think I was even in R.E.M. when Brittany started flipping out and shouting my name in whispers. Coming out of a deep sleep I hardly remember the first few seconds, but according to her, she said "There's a bat in the room" and I said "What do you want me to do about it?" I mean, come on, its not like I didn't believe her, I was just tired. Brittany's bat sense has developed pretty well since the first time a bat flew in her hair when we were sleeping a few months ago; so I trusted that she knew what she's talking about. She got up, got out the tennis racket (our bat bane), and told me to go find it and kill it.
Somehow, in between the time that she heard it and when I went to look for it, it had gone from our bedroom all the way to our bathroom. We heard it chirping above the suspended ceiling where there are already several bat skeletons; I think they get in there and then can't find a way out, so they die of starvation. Being that it was almost 1 a.m., I decided to just leave the light on in the bathroom and go back to bed.
This morning I got out the ladder, put on some gloves, a bandana over my face and goggles. After knocking bat fur and skeletons all over the bathroom and breaking a picture frame, I managed to beat the thing to death with our bat bane. It was a naked bat, which made it look more like a demon than previous bats I've killed. I forgot to get a picture of it before I threw it away, but believe me, it was ugly.
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