It has been my experience that grapefruit is either really good or really not good. I managed to have time to use mouthwash after I brushed my teeth this morning and, as I sometimes do, I ate a grapefruit after I got to work. Now let me give a history on this grapefruit...
Brittany usually goes to Wal-Mart on Mondays; at which time she usually gets several grapefruits for our breakfasts through the week. However, recently Wal-Mart has had a very poor selection; I'm guessing its not grapefruit season. So this week she went to County Market to get grapefruit. She was only partly successful in this because they also had a poor selection. So now we have 3 grapefruits, all of which are rather small, very brightly colored, and kind of mushy.
So I get to work, cut open the fruit and took a bite... I thought I was dying. If you dont already know; small, brightly colored, mushy grapefruit is usually very green (not ripe) and not recommended. Beside the fact that it was extremely sour, the fact that I had rinsed with mouthwash only 30 minutes before made the thing taste like sulfer. I seriously thought I had just bitten into the forbidden fruit and death was at my door.
After I managed to pull myself together after several seconds of terror and puckered lips, I was able to take a drink of water and try it again. This time it was only sour, no sulfuric taste. I'm guessing the reason for the quick change in taste is the acidity of the fruit. In fact, it's so acidic that it eats through plastic spoons. I have one to prove it.
So what have we learned today? Don't buy small, bright, mushy grapefruit; don't eat small, bright, mushy grapefruit; don't eat small, bright, mushy grapefruit after using moutwash, don't leave grapefruit juice on your plastic spoons.
I would like to apologize to anyone who has wasted their time reading this post.