Monday, June 30, 2008


this is something i need to remember.

Granted, its not the most profound video, but I do have a tendency to get too focused on just living for the next goal. Not that goals are bad, every Christian's goal should be "the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14)." But to always be striving for the next "thing", like the next promotion, the next event, the next, next, next, keeps our eyes in the future. This keeps us from seeing what is going on around us right now... It does at least 3 things:

1. Makes us selfish - always thinking about the next thing that will benefit ME or make ME happy.
2. Makes us introverted - going around in B-lines, ignoring anything that even hints of distraction, thinking so much about it we don't even notice others.
3. Makes us unsatisfied - if the goal is always changing, a new one every time one is reached, there's never time to rest, to be at peace.

So, the solution is to know that true satisfaction comes through peace, peace with God. According to Romans 5:1, this peace comes though "our Lord Jesus Christ." So lets "press on towards the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" while resting in the finished work of our salvation from sin through Christ's substitution of Himself when He suffered the wrath due to us.

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